RULES or How to Play

This page is the central place for all information about how to play Eyes in the Dark, some basic information about IDEAS-V©, plus some guidelines about roleplaying on IRC in general that some find useful.  You do not have to study any of this before you play, but you can come back to this page for tips on playing at any time.

I. Basic Dice 
I2D uses the IDEAS-V© gaming system, which uses 6-sided dice to determine the success of challenges, which roll from 0-5.  Each thing you try in game will be rated by your GM and you, on a rating of 1 to 5 based on your concept.  You roll that many die and add up the result.  The GM takes into account difficulty and modifiers, and gives you the result based on your situation.
Example: The ghost of Edward Teach swipes at a rampscallion with his cutlass, trying to saw his head off (and thus teach him a lesson.)  As he was a pirate captain, he was doubtless an Expert swordsman, so he rolls 4D.  He rolls a 3, 3, 3, and a null.  The result: 9, a decent swipe.
I2D has a dice-roller bot, operating in any game-scene.  To use it, simply type "roll 3" or whatever the rating is, and it will roll a random number and spit it out for everyone to see.
II. Basic 
Combat in IDEAS-V© is like other challenges.  You roll your attack using your skill, and the margin of success determines the damage done to your opponent..
 5+ Argh! Your opponent is knocked down and out for a few turns
 10+ Minor Wound: You score a crippling wound
 15+ Major wound: You score a life-threatening wound
 20+ Critical: Your opponent may die.
III. Scene
I2D works on the basis of 4 scenes, played in four different channels: #i2d, #i2d2, #i2d3, #i2d4.  You should connect to all four channels, and you can watch what's going on, but your character will be present and able to act in only one scene.  It is an important part of roleplaying on IRC/in I2D that you remember what your character knows vs. what you know. The GM will tell you what conf to go to when.
Be mindful when you choose what to do about those four scenes and what's going on in them.  If your actions will take you out of those scenes, you may have to wait a while for action to stop in those scenes to get time again. It goes without saying that you shouldn't have 12 other "chats" and the TV and your PSX going at the same time, as a courtesy to other players, because it degrades your response time and you start to make mistakes about what's going on in the scene becuase you've lost the thread.
IV. Show 
A very important thing to remember is that you are there to play, so PLAY!  Do not expect the GM to come find you if you wandered out of a scene and didn't enter another one, or if you have not had a move in 20 minutes.  That's your job.  Shout up!  Make up a little story how your character managed to get into scene # 3.  Remember that the I2D story is about all the characters, including you.
V. Whose Line
is it Anyway?
I2D has a different style of gaming than standard table-top RPGs.  In those, the GM creates every NPC, sets every scene, essentially controls everything and the players simply react to whatever's thrown at them, but in I2D we've discovered this style is a bit dry.  We favor a much more open form of gaming, where players are encouraged to invent their own subplots, characters, and situations.    Their input and contributions to the world and the game keep it fresh.  It is a collaborative effort.